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> Some businesses who had open Wifi will now require FB check-in to provide access.

Check-in isn't required to get access. My local coffee shop switched over to a Facebook WiFi point over the weekend (Phillz, who have a branch in Menlo Park so I assume must be piloting it). All that really changed for me as an end user was the old splash page got replaced with a Facebook page asking me if I'd like to check-in (along with a button to skip check in, which I used).

It's not required but let's be honest - it'll be what happens.

Pretty sure the average person would rather "check in" via Facebook than using the current "click this checkbox and continue".

People trust and like Facebook. They don't trust or like GogoBoingo Wireless.

Actually I'd trust Boingo more than Facebook as a platform.

They've been around since 2001, Facebook since 2004.

That finally explains what that preinstalled crapware on my previous Asus laptop was. Never came across any hotspot with Boinggoboing though.

I see them in airports...

I think if you go to the grocery store and ask people you'll find out otherwise.

So you don't even need to log in to Facebook?

Even if that's the case, I'm afraid this will be tempting for the business to require check-in. Let's see if Phillz changes their settings!

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