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I had heard from a few friends that they had good experiences with VAs from the Philippines so I googled something generic and found Pepper. This was years ago. I tried them out and they were adequate for my needs.

I'm on the "20 hours for ~$300 a month" plan. This is, FWIW, within striking distance of what you'd pay to hire a college graduate full time, but I find it easier to go through a company to avoid the headaches of that.

The VAs are pretty amenable to doing anything reasonable with a computer, which includes phone support. I haven't asked for it, both because I don't offer phone support for Bingo Card Creator and because the US workday would mean anyone offering it from the Philippines would have to be up very late at night, which I do not feel is a reasonable thing to ask of freelancers/employees under most circumstances.

It seems like Pepper have raised the minimum plan to 40 hours/month.


Thanks for detailed response.

Is this a typical cost for VA's, or is there a way to save substantial money compared to hiring a US employee?

If you hire directly you can find competent employees in the Philippines with good english for around $2/hour USD.

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