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Earlier today I saw it had about 45 followers. I think it was a new account. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

I'm surprised HN is using twitter instead of one one of their investments, Statuspage.io.

Their first post is dated 28 July - https://twitter.com/HNStatus/status/361707202123268096

edited: "They're" --> "Their" (there/their/they're will be the death of me!)

> (there/their/they're will be the death of me!)

I sure hope that isn't literal. I've heard of "grammar nazis" but that would be ridiculous. Stay safe!

here's a tweet from July 28th, so it's not a new account https://twitter.com/HNStatus/status/361707202123268096

It has tweets from as far back as July of 2013.

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