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The site has been up for minutes and already asking for a report. I'm sure that's the last thing on PG's mind at this point. It's just clueless and classless.

> It's just clueless and classless.

Speaking of which, I think you got the wrong impression here about the motivation of your fellow HNers who are simply curious. Your doubling down by snapping at people is really not the solution either.

Take a step back and look at this thread again. I think you misinterpreted the situation. Nobody's upset because of the outage. Isn't it understandable that people are giddy to find out what happened, though?

OP didn't even ask nicely, and if you read the follow up to my comment, you'll see that the OP was motivated by something other than curiosity.

On the surface it seems fortuitous that the OP confessed to ulterior motives for asking the question, however it's misleading to bring this up, since that was not your original criticism at all - instead you accused us collectively of piling on and complaining.

Had your criticism been that lukeqsee is behaving lame and trollish, you might have been received much better. Personally, I couldn't care less who gets the stupid points for actually asking the question - I believe getting points for posting stories is a bug anyway.

And the question itself is so simple and minimal, it doesn't really make sense to think of it in terms of being nice or not. It seems appropriate to me to just assume by default that it is being asked nicely and leave it at that.

Thank you, Udo.

(I would hope nobody misunderstands, but I am entirely serious.)

Edit: Udo edited his post, so I replied.

> lame and trollish

I partially agree. On one hand, it is both. On the other hand, like I said above, someone would post the question.

> I believe getting points for posting stories is a bug anyway.

I completely agree. Actually encouraging conversation and actively adding to the conversation is much better for the community. Perhaps 25% or 50% points for posts would level the field.

I didn't mean it as a personal attack, but I do stand by the assertion that it was a pretty lame thing to do.

I'm curious - if you don't mind my asking: what are you thanking me for?

I thanked you because you accurately and fairly assessed my actions. A large reason I post or comment on HN is to receive constructive criticism (which is why I admitted to existence of self-interest). You provided it, and that’s why I’m thanking you.

nhangen falsely critiqued my actions as complaining and then turned my own admission against me; you fairly accessed that (IMO). You also added to the conversation with your own assessment of the broad trend, i.e., posts are worth points.

I think all of those actions are worthy of thanking.

No, I actually read it as someone trying to get cheap points (or popularity) by being the first one to post it. I would have felt differently had the question been asked with tact, and I'm certain those with high Karma know that the question was unnecessary. It just felt over zealous.

> No, I actually read it as someone trying to get cheap points (or popularity) by being the first one to post it.

That's not at all what you initially commented on. Even if that was your intent, you simply said something completely different and unrelated. You were judged by what you actually said and when people challenged you about it you got aggressive. I'm really sorry to go on about this, but that's honestly what it looks like from here.

One of the reasons why I chose to comment on this is that it's a mistake I made as well once or twice (getting motivations of fellow users wrong and snapping at them), and I had the good fortune of people pointing that out to me.

That's cool, I don't begrudge you for the sentiment.

I think you're getting "asking for a postmortem" confused with angrily raving about downtime. Or, you know, self righteously admonishing others for asking such a question

I am mildly interested in seeing a post-mortem at some stage, because

1) We also have to keep our site and services running. Learning from other people's (bad) experiences is always welcome.

2) After an outage of this magnitude on our site and services, a post-mortem would be expected as part of the clean-up. It's not an extra demand, it's normal.

it's not about blame and anger; it's about learning and preventing.

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