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> But as long as you can read Python there's no reason you couldn't do these in your preferred language with the Python references.

That's a good point, but surely, just as an expert user would want to use the appropriate tool for his problem, also a learning user would want to use the appropriate problem for his tool? By which I mean, an exercise that is a good way to learn Python is likely to be a terrible way to learn, say, R.

Author here. JadeNB you've hit the nail on the head! I have found that each language is better suited towards certain problems. This was a key motivation for making a set of problems specific yo Python. Sounds like you have some great ideas. Hit me up (contact is on the page), we should chat!

Thanks for the invitation! I don't have any concrete ideas, just hopes, but, sure, maybe we could chat. Unfortunately, I failed the Turing test: I can't find your contact information on the Python Practice Projects page.

louie [at] pythonpracticeprojects dot com

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