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#2: I happen to believe that people should be entitled to education, healthcare, safety and respect.

#3: There are certainly bad jobs. Jobs where the employer does not pay, abuses their workforce etc.

#5: Debt you cannot afford? Sure. But sometimes debt is useful. A mortgage or a business loan for example.

#6: Safety is everyone's responsibility. It's all well and good that you behave well but if Bill decides he doesn't need to follow safety precautions it can just as easily injure, maim or kill others as well as himself.

#7: Don't I regularly see "Work smarter, not harder" plastered over HN? If the only way you can stand out is by working more, you're either at the top of your game or you can do whatever you are doing better.

#8: "The machines here are not maintained correctly, but I guess complaining is bad so I'll either put up with it or leave."

#10 (ish): Car accident breaks both your legs, you can no longer perform manual labour. Tornado destroys your business, insurance shrugs and pays you a pittance. Someone else's bad decisions cause an equipment failure that costs you an arm.

#11: These two sentences are not equivalent. I'm okay saying I agree with the latter, but not the former. I'm not okay with the fact the world is not fair and feel it's a noble cause to try and correct this.

#12: This just reeks of the blame the poor mindset I see in a lot of US conservatives (and in our own UK conservatives to be fair).

I read Mike's list and it filled me with ferver and the desire to stand up and make my life better. I read you list and it made me want to sit on my butt and mope.

In my experience, leaving emotion out of the decision making process usually yields more optimal decisions.

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