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I can only imagine how frustrated Mike Rowe was answering those questions. It's a shame he's too tactful to scream "Maybe if you stop blaming literally everything on the political party you weren't raised as, you could spend a minute focusing on real ideas for solving problems!"

Not sure why it should bother us that a basic cable celebrity is getting frustrated with questions. It's not like people are asking Andrew Wiles to answer long division problems here. Low-to-middlebrow amateur political economy, by contrast, seems pretty solidly within the pay grade of a spokes-actor like Rowe.

If you read closely, you can see that it wasn't an exchange at all. JB wrote a paragraph with multiple phrases and questions, and Mike broke them into individual points and responded to each one in turn. As a result, the format deceptively makes JB look much more stubborn and ignorant than it would if they used a "quote" format rather than a conversation format.

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