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Ask YC: How do non-developers with a startup plan to find a developer to help put it on the web?
4 points by edwardbenson on Oct 16, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Here's the situation: I have two good friends with an awesome real estate-based startup idea. The problem is that I'm the only developer they know and can't go in on it with them for other reasons not important here.

I've been helping them try to find their third partner, and it has been a real learning experience in how hard it is to find a stranger willing to take the plunge and try out a startup.

We've tried our Facebook contacts, I've floated the idea around my office, we've even put paid job listings up on job boards -- a few months later and no real success.

Can startups only be formed among existing acquaintances? How do you go about the founder-search? Do you think that you have to just go full-ahead with the plan without a developer, and trust that you'll find one before you it's too late?

Have they tried meet-ups? if in SF go to SF New Tech http://newtech.meetup.com/15/ which offers a 60 sec open mic for people looking for talent.

Also, consider hooking up with another start-up w/programmers; http://www.us4real.com/ allows consumers to research a metropolitan area before deciding to move.

We've been to a few Ruby group meetings, hoping that community might overlap a bit with the startup minded, but haven't checked into Meetup yet -- thanks for the idea.

We're split between Boston & Washington, DC actually, but looking to base the startup out of NYC.

I wish you the best of luck with the venture. ;-D

If you want to find someone in your area that reads y combinator, you should check http://www.hackrtrackr.com

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