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I mentioned some in a response to a similar comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6842944

There's a pattern to your complaints, which is that they are most impacting to long-term external contribution.

That's the area where architecture is driven by philosophy. It's whether or not you _choose_ to study the problem, search for best practices, and work out contingencies during the design phase, or go forward with a simplistic, unknown solution and study it by driving trucks over it[0]. With most exploratory programming - of which games are a prime example - you want to drive trucks because your design is likely to be reworked many times regardless.

As well, independent creation not driven by clients and markets has to be done entirely selfishly. When taking this to heart, one naturally moves towards an exploratory style, because selfish, truck-driving code will satisfy your urges more quickly.

[0] http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1986/11/26

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