I would love to see every single email by DAs that include her name subpoenaed.
"The report shows that the Hinton lab leaned heavily on
Dookhan’s productivity. Supervisors lauded her work ethic
and assigned her an increasing share of tests."[0]
We should know what her supervisors and DA were saying in private about her work to her and to one another. There is no way that someone is so much more productive, without anyone ever suspecting wrongdoing and turning a blind eye to all this. Anyone who had ever expressed suspicion of her work, but never raised the issue should be liable for criminal negligence here.
Outside of political fallout, nothing will happen to the prosecutors. Nobody will charge them criminally, and civilly, prosecutors have absolute immunity in most cases, sadly.
(There are limits to when they are given absolute immunity, generally limited to to advocative functions, but they are often hard to separate out)
[0] http://badchemistry.wbur.org/2013/05/15/annie-dookhan-drug-t...