The police are not your friends. Sorry this guy had to learn that in a hard way. (Though apparently they have not yet shot his dog [1], so I guess he's gotten off easy so far.)
Indeed, calling the cops for any reason whatsoever will get you a good 30% chance you will be harassed, put in jail, or killed in the process. Don't do it.
Their own research, he called the police three times to see the response he would get, and the third time they came to his house and found nothing amiss, they arrested him. jokes
The police are not just my friends, they are my neighbors, my family. While much of my life is illicit I do not falter in my resolution of trying to work things out proper with the police.
Even if the overall result is a detriment to myself.
Not even close, not even close. People, which constitutes the police force in the US until robot overlords take over, make up the police.
People can sense bullshit and/or malice. I've bullshitted my way out of situations due to my obvious non-malicious intent. But have been 'boned' by trying to bullshit my way out of malicious acts.