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Didn't the fact the that the price shown (at least to me, as usual on the interwebs it's hard to be sure it's the same for everyone) was in Euros per cup provide a hint that this might be a European company?

Not really. Could be a cheap localization effort.

Although the weight is measured in kg, which speaks for a European company. But then again, the cheapest plan says "1kg every second month" instead of "500g per month" which is kinda weird.

That's because to minimize shipping costs you will get a package of 1kg every second month. Not 500 gram every month.

Thanks for the feedback

Ah thanks, that wasn't clear to me. I thought you just used 1kg as a baseline unit. Since pricing is monthly, I suggested that shipping would be too and thought it was just a weird way to describe 500g :)

using coffee which was roasted over a month ago is probably a deal breaker for a lot of people who would use a service like this. Good examples of coffee websites: www.hasbean.co.uk www.yorkcoffeeemporium.co.uk

That's exactly what I'm trying to test here, if there are people who don't care much about that as far as they get a lower price. Thanks

Another UK competitor is Square Mile coffee, whose subscriptions are separate monthly deliveries of 350g or 500g (http://shop.squaremilecoffee.com/collections/subscriptions).

Oh yeah, I've seen a few places around Shoreditch selling that, its pretty nice. I didn't realise they did subscriptions

The fact that they refer to the postal code as a "zip code" led me to believe the currency/weight conversion was involuntary on their part.

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