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Our goal with the Sailfish OS is to develop an open source operating system in co-operation with the community, thus ensuring the development of a best-of-breed operating system.

So it looks like the software will be open source. I just hope that the device will not be locked down..

Oh, that's a real shame. From glancing at the list it seems like Jolla is still too much thinking in nokia/business/corporate terms. Looks like they just use open source as their platform for their own closed-source stuff..

Looks like everything in the opensource list is open source anyway and everything that jolla did is closed.. So no Jolla for me :(

That's unfortunate, I agree, but they didn't say it will remain like this. It's surely far from what Mozilla does with consistent open development for example, but they still can open up Sailfish in the future. If you compare this to Android - it's already waay better. Having 100% open systems would be ideal of course.

There is also Nemo Mobile, from which Sailfish derives most of the middleware (in addition to Mer). It is fully open. There is an on going work to redesign Nemo UI:

* http://play.qwazix.com/grog/

* http://play.qwazix.com/grog/?p=344

Most probably Nemo will be easily installable on Jolla's handset. Or bootable from an SD card there, without wiping the preinstalled system. So this device is a big milestone for mobile Linux anyway, regardless the shortcomings of the closed parts in Sailfish.

Let's hope so, i guess it remains to be seen how open the device really is.

You can also check the community FAQ here: http://piratepad.net/JollaFAQ

So far there is no detailed information about which packages are free and which aren't. But it should appear fairly soon. I hope community will enumerate non free components.

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