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Copper enables the ARM server ecosystem (dell.com)
94 points by esolyt on Nov 24, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 93 comments

I think x86/amd64 virtualization has made ARM a much less compelling option for servers than what it would have been a few years ago.

I'm looking forward to benchmarks of new ARM server CPU (esp. AMDs), but in the past comparing scale out ARM boxes and tradtional servers in the same space has:

  1. Been much more more in favor x86/amd64 under low load (much lower latency for users)
  2. Been pretty similar under very high concurrent loads
  3. Not had compelling differentiation in power consumption
In short 48 1.6 GHz ARM cores doesn't farewell against even a lower end x86/amd64 server with dual quad core CPUs with SMT (hyperthreading), that is 32 logical cores at 3.0 GHz. And the x86/amd64 is much cheaper.

In reality I could fill a rack with these arm blades or have two quad socket x86/amd64 servers be equivalent or better...

I hope this changes for the sake of consumer options, but I need to see benchmarks + power usage stats to believe it.

To be fair, comparing core counts directly, each of those ARM processors is quadcore - so there are actually 192 physical cores in that 3U rack, not 48.

That said, I'm not convinced ARM is ready for server applications either. This might be interesting to hosting companies that want to sell low-end dedicated servers, though. (OVH already does something similar with Kimsufi, I believe?)

The new aarch64 chips will support large amounts of memory and hardware virtualization. Despite low performance, the perf/watt and high memory density might be good enough to compete with x86. These exist only as engineering samples and emulators right now.

All of the ARM server products in existence today are basically demos. Presumably the "select customers" offered HP "moonshot" and Dell "copper" are working on software ports and automation infrastructure for an aarch64 future.

> In reality I could fill a rack with these arm blades or have two quad socket x86/amd64 servers be equivalent or better

Quad socket x86 is still prohibitively expensive, but in the price per performance assessment you might be right (at least if you do not consider the expensive high-end x86 CPUs). The ARM blades look interesting for bare metal clouds though.

>Quad socket x86 is still prohibitively expensive

Less expensive then a rack of these new ARM blades.

Still, lets take quad socket off the table, 4 2U dual socket x86/amd64 boxes still is a better value proposition.

> 4 2U dual socket x86/amd64 boxes still is a better value proposition.

Not if you're aiming at a good density (processing power per rack). But there are many blade options (8 boards in 3U, or 4 in 2U from Supermicro e.g.) for x86 that will fit the bill, yes.

The cost for the vendor should be much lower with ARM CPUs though (the CPUs will probably be dirt cheap, while Intel's aren't).

>Not if you're aiming at a good density

Context: I'm talking about relative to ARM blades, not denser x86 options.

>The cost for the vendor should be much lower with ARM CPUs though (the CPUs will probably be dirt cheap, while Intel's aren't).

Maybe for the vendor, but these ARM blades boxes are expensive for the consumer!

Lets compare two 2U boxes, one with 48 1.6 GHz ARM SoC and one with dual six-core Xeons with SMT (HT) at lets say 2.8 GHz, that is 48 logical cores. The x86/amd64 box in this comparison is:

  0. Much cheaper!
  1. Low latency at low loads
  2. Similar throughput and latency at high loads
  3. Uses less power
  4. Easier to maintain

> Quad socket x86 is still prohibitively expensive

Is there an engineering reason for this, or is there just not enough volume for those boards to be economical?

I'd vouch for the 3rd possibility: the prices are artificially high because the customers who buy these configurations can afford to pay the premium.

This. Purchasers of the highest-end and/or costly experimental architectures tend to be research institutions or national labs that are using grant money.

In the case of quad-socket, it's actually enterprises running SQL databases and VMware consolidation where the cost of the software license exceeds the cost of the server.

Most corporations are happy to spend on the highest end hardware when it's cheaper than spending developer salary on performance.

I've been told its intel (Admittedly by my Dell Engineer).

The CPUs & Chipsets to run quad socket are marked up much higher then the dual / single socket options.

>Quad socket x86 is still prohibitively expensive

What? You can get a 1U, 4x16 core, 256GB server for ten grand. http://www.thinkmate.com/system/a+-server-1042g-tf

>that is 32 logical cores at 3.0 GHz

Just having 32 logical cores doesn't mean much for performance. Hyperthreading is not magical, dual quad core cpus is still 8 cores, with potentially some minor performance gains from the hyperthreading depending on the application.

In my experience with HPC (i.e. 100% load on all cores), enabling Hyperthreading gives you higher job throughput at the cost of increasing the time to complete a single job. The throughput improvement is around 5-30% depending on the applications being run. The average I've seen is around 20.

In high-load but I/O bound tasks Hyperthreading (Intel market speak for SMT) is magic. If something is compute bound, you are correct and the benefit is often slim, but typically not for application or database servers.

I suppose this is one of the things you can do when you take DELL private, no institutional shareholders to sue you because you 'threatened their value' with a radical product idea.

As a systems guy I love the concept, but I'm a bit sad at the implementation. I would have loved to see the back plane of these things connect to a 'switch module' and take the connectors off the front. Basically a 48 port GBE switch with quad 10GbE uplinks out the "end" of the case would have been much nicer. Installing a nice SDN stack in the switch hardware such that one could virtualize the switch topology on the fly and you've got a box that you can configure in lots of ways and still get some economies of scale in both the CPU and switch infrastructure. Install a 24 port 10GbE switch on the top of the rack, and you've to 6 "copper" (18U), 24 port switch (1U), for a rack with 288 hosts, 2.3T of RAM, 288T of storage, and assuming a non-blocking 24 port switch 1. 883Mbits between any two hosts. Add a 1U boot/config management server into the rack and that is a heck of a gizmo.

This is is almost proof of concept technology. If it takes off I'm sure that DELL will invest a lot more R&D in it.

They left out two most critical bits of info: power consumption and price. You can already get ridiculous amounts of x86 cores in a rack if you want, but those can get pricy to buy and to keep running.

This type of infrastructure is not insta win for many(most.. ?) of businesses. Even if the price will be low and the power consumption will make a difference, still there will be HUGE cost of rewriting software.

Not all businesses need to write scalable software, because their current technology stack is just good enough and will always fit to one beefy machine, but on the other hand it will never fit on one ARM server module.

ps. hardware is cheap, while engineering work isn't

That really depends on what kind of software you're running. There's a wide range of portable C/C++ Unix stuff that compiles fine on ARM. If you run a distro like Debian or ubuntu, you can just install the armhf port and have all that stuff.

Where it gets tricky is if it's something written for an environment that itself has no ARM port yet, such as the JVM.

OpenJDK Hotspot has a relatively mature ARM port. Due to "embedded" licensing it's not been supported from Oracle, but you can use it.

JVM or even Postgres can't run or do not perform well on a cluster, because this type of software takes advantage of shared memory, which is a blocker here. You can set up replication in Postgres or use some AMPQ for connecting JVMs, but still I would rather buy 3U machine with 4 CPUs and terabytes of ram for XXk$ rather than buy 3U container for ARM servers for XXk$ and spend XXXk$ on engineering work.

In long run having scalable software is win, but most of businesses will do just fine with unscalable software and good backup strategy, which they would need with ARMs anyways.

I think its more of a question of (re-)architecting the software to perform well on bunch of wimpy cores vs normal brawny x86 ones.

Take a look at the HP Moonshot servers for comparison: http://h17007.www1.hp.com/us/en/enterprise/servers/products/...

These boxes have internal slots for 45 blades. The current generation blades are Atoms and run a variety of Linux OS offerings. Future blades will be geared towards memcache, GPU, and other types of clusters. I got a couple of these at work for eval a little while back, and it's a pretty interesting package.

Actually the closest comparison seems to be Viridis.


Both have 12 cards per shelf, each card containing four quad-core ARM processors. The Dell Copper cards are a bit beefier, at 1.6GHz and 8GB and 1.4GHz vs. 4GB for the BL Viridis, OTOH, the Viridis processors are 64-bit and the shelf is 2U instead of 3U, which might more than make up for the other differences.

At that density, the big differentiator is likely to be power (and therefore heat). Viridis claims 5W per server, which is even better than the SiCortex boxes I worked on. I don't see a number for Copper, so my gut tells me it's probably more. The question is how much more.

I don't know where you're getting the 64-bit thing from, but beyond that, comparing clock speeds between a Marvell Armada XP and the EnergyCore in the Boston machine is essentially meaningless.

Yes, you're right, the EnergyCore isn't 64-bit, and of course there are other differences between the architectures. Perhaps you could actually provide some information on how those differences might affect the two systems' capabilities. Or are you just here to snipe at others?

My role here is to prevent people going away with misguided information presented as fact and propagating it elsewhere. Or maybe I should just keep my great big trap shut and sit here feeling smug instead.

There is too little information provided on the two examples to be more precise, otherwise I would have gone into it. All we know is the Boston machine is EnergyCore-based - now that could be a 1000 which is Cortex A9 based, or 2000 based which is A15 based - a 3 minute look didn't make it clear which one you were talking about and which servers are based on what. The Dell system just says it's using a Marvell Armada XP. No more information. The Armada XP is (I think) based on a modified A15 core, but of course they won't say this anywhere. I'm guessing this because the XP range claims "64bit memory" which I suppose is their way of saying it has a 64bit physical address space - a feature of the A15 range. Though of course Marvell have an ARM license that would allow them to do something crazy like add PAE to an A9 based core. But I think that's unlikely.

Enough research for you? I would say the only real way to gauge the performance difference between the two is to try your particular application on it.

In other words, you don't really know enough to say there's a difference. What we do know is that they're the same basic architecture and instruction set, at very similar process levels, so it's not at all unreasonable to estimate that the performance difference is proportional to the clock-rate difference. That clock-rate difference is probably dwarfed both by Viridis's 50% nodes-per-rack advantage and Copper's 2x memory-per-node advantage, so the quibble just wasn't worth it. Thanks for adding so much to the discussion.

No - I did not at all say they were very similar. The truth is we have very little to go on to know how much like a Marvell Armada XP is like an A15. In the past, Marvells have been known to be quite different from their stock counterparts.

I don't think these are ARMv8 (64-bit). Applied Micro should be the first one to the ARM server market with such chips, and I think they will be available soon:



This is similar offering to SuperMicro 's MicroCloud. Except with ARM instead of x86. As much as i love ARM and want them to succeed. I dont think there are any advantage of using ARM in Server apart from Cost. And Since ARM is still vastly under power for many Web Server Operation its time just isn't here. May be two - three years later when 64Bit ARM with EightCore Chip costing less then $50 dollars. But even so Intel's Atom would have a similar performance with similar price. According to some new test on the Soon to be available 8 Core Atom for Server it is surprisingly performance / watt.

To simply put, the server market has longed for a low power part for certain type of usage scenario. And Intel will soon has that covered.

I don't know about servers (only use/used Xeon x86) and i'm not sure it's different software or if it's Win vs Lin, but I have never touched anything saying Atom on the package being remotely useful for anything while I have a lot of very useful ARM devices. When people coming up to me saying 'I have a new laptop' and then it has an Atom sticker on the front, I know what's going to happen; they'll bring it back after a few days. So Atom in my servers make me cringe. Probably that's not justified?

I do know that in the datacenter we are colo'd, the vast majority of stuff hosted on the dedicated servers there could just as well be hosted on a $5 ARM board. A lot of companies hire complete servers for hosting a website which gets 2 visitors/month. This is also my experience as a long term devop (used to be fulltime, now parttime); servers I maintain, even clusters I maintain, can be hosted on a few $ ARM boards. They want dedicated because it gives them a sense of security and not being 'disturbed' by other sites so an ARM 'server' would suit well in that case. With the power consumption difference and bare metal costs, it's many $100s vs a few $10 per month for the client.

Edit: somewhere in my brain i thought I saw very cheap Atom servers and I did; http://www.ovh.nl/dedicated_servers/isgenoeg_2g.xml . Currently in the OVH sold out mode, but when they are back i'll try one to see how it holds up with one of those minimal sites.

Well for one I dont see any price advantage of ARM compared to Intel. ( In this area ) 8 Core Atoms are Cheap enough. The Atom you are referring to are First Gen Netbook Atoms. Which are indeed very bad without any serious software optimization. The Atom i am referring to is the newest Avoton C2750. Which will soon be available in the OVH new brand SYS range. Assuming every thing else stays the same, Memory, SSD/HDD, Network etc, the cost difference between a Atom Server and a ARM server are in the range of early double digit figure. And there isn't a $5 ARM broad. The ARM SoC provided by Marvell Amanda would have been double of that already. So the cost difference for a rented dedicated server between ARM and Intel Atom would be at most a few dollars difference per month. Not to mention Atom is still a lot of more powerful. Website usage have spikes, no one wants a server that could barely handle the load it is getting at today.

ARM has the advantage in Smartphone and Tablet where there are no software compatibility concern, and it is working at 100s mW range. In Servers these two advantage disappeared.

Yes, that makes sense. And first gen; the current ones for sale in shops are still the first gen? The laptops I see brand new in shops, and they are not netbooks, are unusable to me. Whatever you do beyond opening 1 single window breaks it completely (under Windows anyway). Maybe those are older, I don't know, but I think they are not first gen?

I hope that'll change as you say because I love the price ;)

As far as I know, (@everyone, Do correct me if i am wrong ) most of those are stocks left overs or 1st gen design with smaller node. Which basically means they still sucks. And without an SSD ( I/O bottleneck ) those laptop will suck even more. Since the PC industry has absolutely zero care on user experience they dont want to put a costly SSD into a Atom Notebook.

And Why would anyone want one when a Celeron or Pentium is only $20 bucks more expensive but perform a lot faster still?

FYI (re: consumer Atom) Intel have just started taking Atom seriously again, after majorly neglecting it for the previous 5 years. The current Silvermont/Bay Trail is twice as fast as the last, bringing C2D+ performance (eg 2010 MBA) with tablet thermals and battery life. It will now be on Intel's primary process too, so the days of Atom universally sucking are over (thanks ARM).

Offtopic; Can you point me to a laptop with that? I use a 2010 MBA all the time and if I could get something for the price of an atom with that performance...

See UMPCportal. My favourite is the Asus T100, but it suffers from the problem with most of the current crop of Bay Trail-T devices; 2GB of soldered RAM. 64GB model will be around for $300 around black friday. The HP Pavillion x2 should have 4GB, but is much pricier.

IMO the Acer C720 chromebook is the best deal around currently; just put linux on it and replace the 16GB SSD with a larger one, performance should be even better than the 2010 MBA AFAICT.

Things are definitely starting to get very interesting though, I'll be keeping a close eye on devices released in the next 6mo.

A bunch of tablets are out with the new chips, I'm typing this on a Dell Venue 8 Pro. Acer or ASUS have a 10" model with a keyboard dock to make a proper clamshell.

Maybe I'm not opened minded enough, but I just don't believe the future is ARM on the desktop/server. I believe the future is x86 on the phone. I feel like it's less time until Intel gets the power correct as opposed to ARM getting the speed.

Per Geekbench, an iPhone 5S / iPad Air is comparable to a MacBook Pro from 2009, and fully half as fast as some of the very latest laptops.

ARM is already extremely good for mobile applications. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but they certainly seem to be catching up faster than Intel has been able to cut down on power.

Bay Trail atom is already competitive with tablet-focused ARM. I've got a Samsung 500T that runs "real" windows. It weighs as much as an iPad and has ~10 hour run time, same as the iPad. The whole microarchitecture thing is less of an issue for power consumption and performance than most people think.

I'm honestly not interested in all the reasons you won't use these servers.

I doubt Dell designed these speculatively. One or more Dell customers likely requested them.

Who are these customers, and what is their use case? That's what's likely interesting.

But that's equally damning. Dell, SeaMicro, Viridis, and Moonshot combined have almost no microserver case studies after 1-2 years. At what point do we end the experiment?

Look here for some ideas on workloads: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fawnproj/

It will be interesting, I think around the 5 year mark, to see the industry case studies. Just because these projects were _announced_ does not mean they were in _heavy usage_ over the entire 1-2 year timeframe.

Intel astroturfing contact is out in force today

Are these really better per watt at serving content?

I'm all for x86/intel competition but I don't see this as real savings yet?

Looks like they'd be a lot better per watt.


This is hardly surprising to me. I worked on similar low-power high-density systems at SiCortex for a couple of years. High clock rates and big caches do improve performance, but they increase power consumption even more, so for a parallelizable workload a larger number of "wimpier" processors can do more work per watt.

Those figures are pretty close to being lies. A quad-core 3.3GHz Xeon that's only serving 6950 requests per second isn't going to be at anywhere near 100% utilisation, which means there's no way it's running at anywhere near its TDP. Same for the RAM. The x86 isn't going to be anywhere near 5W, but it's going to be significantly lower than 102W. They're also ignoring the fixed disk and PSU overheads, shifting the power side of the ratio in favour of the Calxeda, and using a benchmark that's going to end up network limited is a solid way of reducing the performance advantage of the Xeon.

I don't doubt that ARM does have a better power/performance ratio, but it's nowhere near 15x. Using such obviously misleading statistics leaves me suspecting it's way closer than that.

While what you say is true, it's also true that a lot of x86 servers sit idle precisely because they're network-limited. Wasting power that way is no different than wasting power any other way. That effect far outweighs any quibbling about whether the x86 really uses its full TDP (it won't) or needs more support chips that more than make up for it (it will), or what kinds of memory are involved, etc.

Just so happens that I have both an x86 box and an ARM box in my office. Maybe on my next day off (that I'm not stuffing my face with turkey) I'll run some benchmarks myself.

Well sure, but you could replace those servers with a low-power x86 and get most of the same benefit that Calxeda are touting. Massively overprovisioning is going to waste power. An 8051 is probably going to give a better power/performance ratio than a quad-core ARM for an embedded controller, which tells me nothing about which I should choose to run my database.

Where is that low-power x86 and its fleet of low-power support chips to do what something like an Armada or EnergyCore can do on its own? They have yet to come up with one.

As for your 8051 example, it's bogus because that chip simply can't do the work. It can't run a real OS, and even if it could do that it couldn't keep even a single Ethernet or SATA port busy. Therefore you'd need a lot more nodes, each with their own network/storage/memory that don't come for free, rapidly wiping out any savings on the CPU alone before you even get to the high-node-count coordination problems that would make the whole thing fall flat on its face.

The whole issue here is not just absolute minimum power but balance. In a server environment, where the processor's job is about keeping ports full more than about pure number-crunching, you have to start with what kinds of ports you have. What processor and memory most exactly matches a commodity I/O profile, neither running over nor falling short, while consuming the fewest watts? Modern ARM chips are often a better answer to that question than anything Intel makes. It's a shame that some people who've invested many years in x86-specific expertise might find the market for those skills eroding as a result, but that's the harsh reality.

A quad-core Xeon is overkill for a static content webserver. An ARM is overkill for an embedded controller. If you specify inappropriate hardware then you'll end up with an inappropriate power/performance ratio.

As for low-power x86 - HP's Moonshot is in the ballpark of ARM blade devices, and Baytrail pushes Intel even closer. ARM probably still wins, but the figures are nothing like 15x. And once you take fixed costs like disk and RAM into account, the difference ends up being even smaller.

ARM have done a great job of improving the performance of their cores. Intel have done a great job of cutting the x86 power budget. Given that nobody's really shipping ARM servers yet, it's still not clear who's going to come up with the better product. The problem that ARM face is that they not only have to be better, they have to be sufficiently better that it's worth the cost of porting in-house applications to a new architecture.

Not being an expert on servers, I can see a possible use-case for low-power servers like this: strongly disk-bound tasks (e.g. infrequently accessible storage area).

Although, a cost analysis might be required- I suspect that a more powerful CPU with a lot more disks may end up costing less (per unit of disk space vs total power consumption).

Are there any ARM servers currently available to Normal People?

I got excited when I first saw the headline because the last time I looked I didn't see anything available in the hobbyist/small business price range.

No. Also there is no 64 bit ARM hardware available to anyone (if you ignore the extremely locked-down iPhone 5S). I have used a bunch of ARM servers, but unfortunately I'm under NDA.

However there is interesting hackable ARM hardware around. I would recommend looking at the CubieTruck, Mele A1000G Quad (make sure it's the "Quad" variant), and possibly the ODROID-XU. I write about these and others on my blog (https://rwmj.wordpress.com/)

The heck with the prices. They not only won't tell you how much it costs, they will practically come right out and tell you that you, as one of the Great Unwashed, will never be able to buy one of these. Because they won't sell to you, period, for any amount of money, unless you're some kind of incorporated fictional creation that's willing to enter into all kinds of onerous contracts before they're even willing to speak to you further.

It depends what you mean by a server: the Utilite http://utilite-computer.com/web/home with its dual gigabit Ethernet ports might be enough for some applications.

I couldn't find anything on pricing and availability, but, despite my enthusiasm for Windows-proof servers, I am not sure if having a lot of discrete servers in a 3U enclosure is better than having a lot of containers running on, say, 3 1U servers. Containers (or even VMs) are much more manageable than 48 physically distinct machines (to say nothing of having 4 on each board, meaning an upgrade or defect on one means needles downtime for three others).

If we could turn it into a NUMA machine with 48 CPUs, that would be a totally different story.

If we could turn it into a NUMA machine with 48 CPUs, that would be a totally different story.

This particular version seems to only support 1Gbit Ethernet, so I don't know how well that will work.

Still, we're talking about 192 cores with 384 Gbytes of RAM, that's got to be useful for some kind of workloads. Can you get that kind of density with Intel or AMD?

> Can you get that kind of density with Intel or AMD?

The new Xeon Phi's will have an external DDR3 bus. It's a different beast, intended for a different usage, but I always loved to misuse technology ;-)

> Still, we're talking about 192 cores with 384 Gbytes of RAM

Seeing as you're going to be keeping 48 copies of the same OS in that memory whether you want to or not, you're going to need those 384G.

I just checked a random server: OS and all process images are using 119MB, *48 = 5.5GB. I think I'll do just fine with the remaining 378G.

These machines are designed for very specific workloads. Don't expect to be able to run Oracle or Exchange on them.

It is written "there is no general availability" (even if they are shipping to selected partners).

From what I recall hearing, the initial demand for ARM "micro-servers" has been from big, um, Facebook-ish operations for whom cost is king rather than smaller, enterprisey places where versatility and manageability are higher priorities. That would seem to fit with the limited availability.


Them: crickets

Given ARM reigns the mobile space, and if it gains traction in the server market, it will put tremendous pressure on the PC market which lies in between.

It won't - it may evolve or change the PC market but it won't pressure it. People will need computing powerhouses and big monitors.

My predictions are that we will hit cloud disillusionment soon and people are going to rediscover the benefits of home storage and GPU power.

While there's a certain class of PCs that won't be much affected anytime soon (high-end gaming, workstations), ARM is already inching into the HTPC/home server space.

There are a bunch of i.MX6-based boards w/ GigE, SATA, and a surprisingly strong GPU/VPU that, being very lower power consumption, are very well suited for always-on use. They also work well enough media playback, web browsing, etc.

You can see both AMD (APUs) and Intel (NUCs) aiming into that same target, but they'll face stiff competition - the ARM systems are much cheaper, about $100 for fully functional boards.

But that is exactly what I was saying - I don't care about which instruction set delivers my performance if it delivers it. So it won't put pressure on PCs - it will put pressure on x86 vendors. But the overall home server (and even workstation) market could increase. There is nothing that prevents high end GPU card working with arm CPU.

Err, ok, I think it's a given that the number of computing devices in a given home will increase over time. The GP, however, (and most of the threads here) are discussing how evolving ARM will impact/encroach on the existing x86 market.

The issue is CPU no longer is the bottleneck since a while ago. My three-year old laptop with a then high-end graphics card still serves me well. There of course are still some people who need powerful CPUs, but I guess most people will need more powerful GPU instead of CPU.

My old G4 PowerBook still serves me well for many things. Most people need a lot less hardware power than they think they do.

Well, there's always intel. Don't count them out yet, they won't sit on their hands and smile as ARM eats their lunch. I guess, the backlash will come soon.

"Hitting The Market" != "there is no general availability of the Dell "Copper" servers at this time."

ARM was meant to provide low cost servers, however with the prices of cloud servers coming down I am not sure how successful will these be.

I want to rent one of those as a cheap dedicated server. Get moving, hosters :)

exciting days ahead, if each node costs 2digits. The cpu is 64or 32bits?

It says it's got Marvell Armada XP CPUs, which are ARMv7 CPUs, therefore 32-bit instruction set (the 64-bit instruction set was introduced in ARMv8).

The most important question, not addressed anywhere on that page. I'm guessing 32-bit because the 64-bit ARMs were supposed to come out next year.

With 8GB of ram, I'd assume that they are 64bit.

If I'm not mistaking, ARMv7 supports PAE, which will allow you over 4 GB of memory. Perhaps not all in the same process, but still...

Is there a JVM for these?

Apparently Oracle has an "early access" version of Java SE for ARM. I'm pretty sure that there are a few open source VMs floating around with ARM support, but I wouldn't count on any of them being full drop-in replacements for Oracle Java.

(Obviously there's a bunch of J2ME and other embedded implementations, but I assume that's not what you're looking for.)

Nope. We're going to build a small compute cluster for java 7 code. It's for a few dozen cores so nothing huge. I love these embarrassingly parallelizable problems so the idea of using cheap servers has some appeal to me. Though the individual job run time matters too so we need something somewhere in the middle.

  > What is ARM?
  > An advanced RISC machine (ARM) server employs small,
  > low-power ARM processors, typically deployed as
  > systems on a chip (SoC) to reduce space, power consumption
  > and cost.
This looks like a perfect example of the kind of violation a trademark owner is required to pursue to protect the trademark: Dell uses "ARM server" here to mean "a server that is RISC-based and advanced" rather than "a server [based on tech] of the brand ARM from ARM Ltd."

ARM stands for "Advanced RISC Machine". I believe the copy is correct, although I would have expected "advanced RISC machine" to be capitalized as "Advanced RISC Machine" as it refers to a proper name.

That is exactly what I meant. The abbreviation that is the company name used to stand for "Advanced RISC Machines", but "an advanced RISC machine" is clearly a generic description of something that could come from any manufacturer.

As Wikipedia says[1]:

"A trademark which is popularly used to describe a product or service (rather than to distinguish the product or services from those of third parties) is sometimes known as a genericized trademark[2]. If such a mark becomes synonymous with that product or service to the extent that the trademark owner can no longer enforce its proprietary rights, the mark becomes generic.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genericized_trademark

The point is that "ARM" as it is used in the text doesn't refer specifically to the products of the trademark owner. If such usage becomes acceptable, anyone could sell "ARM servers" and the trademark becomes useless.

Indeed - although ARM officially no longer stands for anything according to the company.

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