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The Next Web article doesn't add anything over the actual notice, which they link to.


EDIT: But it's great that Automattic are fighting this, and I wish them best luck.

I submitted this link due to HN's proclivity for requiring the submission title to match the linked page's title, and this title was more self-explanatory than "Striking back against censorship."

Disclaimer (?): I'm an Automattic employee.

that actually suggests an interesting way to get a proper title onto hn - put up a thin-wrapper blogpost and submit that. wonder how well it'd work.

That's specifically suggested in the guidelines: "If you want to add initial commentary on the link, write a blog post about it and submit that instead."

(http://ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html - linked at the footer of every page)

i'm not talking about commentary, but specifically about "this article's title sucks, but if i try to fix it in the submission it'll get reverted"

yes, but they also don't want blogspam, which they can easily classify you as if you don't add anything new to the story (i guess adding your opinion would help, not just quote the original page you're linking to)

But isn't that what the TNW post is?

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound dismissive. TNW is a good source.

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