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Show HN: An open source note-taking app that respects your privacy (janusnotes.com)
53 points by gtufano on Nov 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

For iOS (Universal) and OS X (10.7+). Synchronizes notes via dropbox, and encrypts the text of the notes with RNCryptor. Sources (MIT licensed) are on https://github.com/ilTofa/janusnotes

no criticism intended, just to help a good project, here are some fixes to the english: in this version; or take a voice; register [no from] here; to also share; tap the Prefs; Do the same; dropbox [no so] to avoid; keep your data as safe; data are safe; we have no access to anything other than; no idea [no on] how.

Thank you very much, fixed. :)

Dropbox is a point of failure. Will you support other back-ends?

Not currently. There are not so many alternatives for free that supports both iOS and OS X, btw. An alternative backend could be bittorrent sync, but the API are very young and tailored to web app, not desktop ones. Of course, the app will work not using dropbox (and without syncing devices).

That said, I'm open to suggestions. :)


Unfortunately, the encrypted notes (and the binary attachments) do not match very well with git inner working. Also, git is GPL-licensed and, you know, GPL and App Store don't play well together. A clean room implementation of git on iOS would be a significant project in itself.

If the creator shared this, I give you full marks! I like this app, it is simple and it encrypts my stuff, so all is well.

But I have a Feature Request: In a further version, it should be possible to organize notebooks into folders(like Evernote)and my move from Evernote shall be complete!

I'm thinking about tags (an often requested feature). The tags availability could allow a folders/notebooks-like UI (not unlike the Gmail tags show as folders in IMAP clients).

Ahh very nice. I have a similar one that is waiting on review in the app store right now haha. Very cool. Mine's going to be called Onions, but it's not out yet. Mine also doesn't have pictures, dropbox, or anything else yet - just notes.


Great idea, but it's too bad there's even a need for this in the first place. I'm curious why Dropbox's own client has text editing facilities on Andriod, but not on ios.

Is the privacy focus the result of some other note taking app's failure, a reassurance for those concerned about it, or a response to NSA things?

Something else maybe?

Basically it started as a personal need/itch to scratch. Also, I'm old enough to remember when my data were my data, applications were my applications and no other entities were interested in what I do/write/see. ;) The NSA things helped my decision to do this, but I was thinking about the program from before.

I decided to open source the code after a review on the App Store (probably the US one) that basically said: "Who are you and why should I trust you". This comment hit a button inside me (and was fundamentally true).

As someone with the same name. I approve.

I'm impressed actually.

vim + TrueCrypt


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