I do go easy on GCHQ. While I think that they should stop slurping all data (including metadata) and that oversight needs to be much much stronger, I am less concerned about abuses by GCHQ than I am about abuses by other agencies; and I am less concerned about the consequences to me of GCHQ actions than the actions of other agencies.
A bunch of people collect data.
Some of those people do stuff with that data, and that stuff will have consequences for me.
At the moment it feels like GCHQ has a big store of my data. Maybe they even grep the data for my name. But the consequences to me are better quality research on data-mining (because they sponsor some university research) and a diversion of my tax money to stuff I don't want to fund. (With a bit of industrial espionage, I guess, as shown by the old EU parliament report on ECHELON).
Looking at other abuses of data collection: I don't like the way the UK police are building a massive DNA database. I feel like that carries much more risk of harm to society, and to me, than GCHQ slurping data. An idea DNA database for law enforcement would include everyone who has ever committed a crime, and no-one else. But the UK database includes anyone who has ever been arrested. It doesn't matter if they go to trial and are found not guilty, or if they don't even go to trial. It also includes people who volunteer to be DNA sampled. (EG, in prominent sex attack cases the local population sometimes volunteer to "rule themselves out". It's bizarre.)
The criminal records database is also worrying. Obviously we need it, but there have been plenty of examples of corrupt police officers selling information to the press. It's easy to imagine them selling information to ex-colleagues, or them mis-using the databse for personal use. (Even with the protections in place.)
Local councils have weird powers to spy on subjects. They use these powers to ensure that people applying for a parking permit actually live in that area, and are not just applying for the permit to sell on to other people. Or they use the powers to spy on parents applying to a school, to ensure the parents live in the catchment area. My local council has a bunch of employees who are abusive, nasty, idiots. "Little Hitlers", "Jobsworths", etc. Again, there are plenty of examples of corruption in local government.
With all of those people there are opportunities for the misuse of data and for corruption. And they actually have an affect upon my life - credit ratings are wrong or I get harassed everytime I drive my car or I get refused something that rightfully I'm allowed or whatnot. These everyday abuses that actually happen are more important to me than the theoretical risk of totalitarian government.
A bunch of people collect data.
Some of those people do stuff with that data, and that stuff will have consequences for me.
At the moment it feels like GCHQ has a big store of my data. Maybe they even grep the data for my name. But the consequences to me are better quality research on data-mining (because they sponsor some university research) and a diversion of my tax money to stuff I don't want to fund. (With a bit of industrial espionage, I guess, as shown by the old EU parliament report on ECHELON).
Looking at other abuses of data collection: I don't like the way the UK police are building a massive DNA database. I feel like that carries much more risk of harm to society, and to me, than GCHQ slurping data. An idea DNA database for law enforcement would include everyone who has ever committed a crime, and no-one else. But the UK database includes anyone who has ever been arrested. It doesn't matter if they go to trial and are found not guilty, or if they don't even go to trial. It also includes people who volunteer to be DNA sampled. (EG, in prominent sex attack cases the local population sometimes volunteer to "rule themselves out". It's bizarre.)
The criminal records database is also worrying. Obviously we need it, but there have been plenty of examples of corrupt police officers selling information to the press. It's easy to imagine them selling information to ex-colleagues, or them mis-using the databse for personal use. (Even with the protections in place.)
Local councils have weird powers to spy on subjects. They use these powers to ensure that people applying for a parking permit actually live in that area, and are not just applying for the permit to sell on to other people. Or they use the powers to spy on parents applying to a school, to ensure the parents live in the catchment area. My local council has a bunch of employees who are abusive, nasty, idiots. "Little Hitlers", "Jobsworths", etc. Again, there are plenty of examples of corruption in local government.
With all of those people there are opportunities for the misuse of data and for corruption. And they actually have an affect upon my life - credit ratings are wrong or I get harassed everytime I drive my car or I get refused something that rightfully I'm allowed or whatnot. These everyday abuses that actually happen are more important to me than the theoretical risk of totalitarian government.