I developed a system called Ad-Curve that helps you crunch the numbers.
(I'm working on a better explanation, but in the interim check out the "Mendoza Pottery" case study which walks through the calculations.)
It's really handy at doing things like crunching whether or not you'll lose money with a given CTR, for instance, and also contains an explanation and suggestions for most of the key variables.
(I'm working on a better explanation, but in the interim check out the "Mendoza Pottery" case study which walks through the calculations.)
It's really handy at doing things like crunching whether or not you'll lose money with a given CTR, for instance, and also contains an explanation and suggestions for most of the key variables.
Too bad it doesn't write headlines for you, too :) http://ad-curve.com
Email me directly (jamieson at ad-curve.com) if you have any questions