Some apparently already might be. Google some of the names - (syntax appears to be last initial- first name. Comments & names from some of the people re-identify them as NSA elsewhere on the internet. Some of those comments were interesting:
What is the significance of this? It's not like they all signed up with Adobe to backdoor them. ('Coz if they did, that would be an extremely stupid way to go about it.)
I think the implication here is that people might have signed up with the same username and password as they use for other things (e.g., their work email).
Not likely - the higher up you go in government, the more stringent they are with passwords for government provided services such as email. The NSA is probably the highest up there with that.
I have a simple thought with all of these here nsa addresses. While some look fake, some do in fact look legit. Bu the question I ultimatly have is that since the NSA is all about spying, subterfuge, code breaking, and the like, why are they giving the workers addresses? Wouldn't they give something that would point other people away from thinking of the NSA?
>> "The Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Poland (Polish: Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny) is the court of last resort in administrative cases e.g. those betweens private citizens (or corporations) and administrative bodies. "