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I am running a rails app with 100,000 pages views/month with a 86MB slice(not at slicehost though) with <2sec response times. The pages are pretty heavy dynamic pages.

Well, 100k/month is only 1 view every 25 seconds, so while it sounds impressive in aggregate I wouldn't like to be around if you ever get Dugg. But I'm impressed you can run anything at all in 86M really. What is that, a single mongrel instance, nginx, and mysqld?

Lets see. I have 3 slices, 2 of which are publicly accessible.

512 MB: Apache2 / PHP, serves a dozen websites last time I checked, most notably a forum that has a few thousand hits a day and my blog, which when it gets spiky goes up to X0,000 hits in a day.

256 MB (until recently): Bingo Card Creator, which is Nginx => 2x Mongrel.

I bumped the 256 up to 512 (a process that took me above 5 minutes and a restart) when I started developing the new version, so that I could fit a staging server on the same box. Currently it has about 6 Rails instances running on it at any given time (2x Mongrels for the live site, 2x for the staging, 2x for DelayedJob or consoles). After I release the new version I'm probably going to put the staging server on another box and reallocate the saved memory to more instances for the production site.

Do they give you private IP's to connect non-publicly accessible nodes? (Linode does) Other way, you'd be using up your traffic limit on this.

How much traffic do your slices use?

I have never come anywhere close to my limit. I think the highest I've ever gotten was a bit over 100 GB a month from the sites, with another 50 GB through my (private) web proxy (I have a bad Amazon tv episodes habit). My limit is 500 GB at the moment, so I'm not too worried.

They do give you private IP's so that your "slices" can talk to each other - this traffic doesn't count against your bandwidth quota.


That's exactly the sort of scenario I was wondering about. Thanks a lot for your response! (Also, out of curiosity, what's your app?)

What's your setup? nginx/mongrel?

Thats pretty crazy. I am running a similar size app with 2gb slice. Although it can probably take quite a bit more (10x views) .

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