"It will be nearly impossible to determine if the two victims actually posted anything about cartels on the Internet, as people don't usually use their real names online, he said."
Its been more than two years, was anything ever determined?
There are so many permutations based on what actually happened that I don't think any conclusions can be drawn.
Were they innocent civilians? Wouldn't be the first time. Were they in a rival gang basically informing on some other gang who "got" them? Wouldn't be the first time. Targeted for other reasons that the gang doesn't want made public (hmm maybe dude was banging the gang leaders girlfriend for years behind his back, so they both end up dead? Or stole from a gang and got away for years, finally tracked down and punished?) Wouldn't be the first time.
Only one thing is certain, a classic old media company posted a FUD story about new media. Who ever would have guessed that could happen LOL?