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And that adds value how?

If you receive a customer service call from a number with a higher klout score, you could send them to a 'VIP' agent that's been authorized to give them better deals or whatever. If you give better support to a few users who have a lot of twitter followers then that person is a lot more likely to tweet about a good experience and help the companies reputation. Otherwise if they have a bad experience they have enough followers that if they tweet about a bad experience, there's obvious harm there.

It's the same reason someone will have a bad experience and e-mail a company but get ignored. Once The Consumerist runs an article about it though, it gets fixed.

I very much do not like Klout because it essentially assumes that you are a active social media user. There is a large percentage of people that I deal with daily on a professional basis that do not use social media whatsoever.

There should not be a penalty for not using social media.

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