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Sadly, most of the things on there are true. We can try to deny it all we want, but most of the stuff that's there is true. The power of anonymity is that you get to voice honest opinions without tying it up with your identity and/or feeling responsible for it. Of course, this can be argued otherwise too, by citing some (bad) comments as example from that thread, but for the most part, what you see there are honest comments.

Some of my favorites:

>Why [popular technology] is [unexpected opinion]

>Why I have decided to stop using [ Tried and true web dev environment] and start using Meteor

>Why [obscure framework] is the next [industry standard framework].

>Ask HN: Why is nobody using [obscure niche technology from the 80s]?

>[Actually interesting topic] - 0 comments

>Can the NSA blow up your PC remotely?

>Why you shouldn't store your files locally, but in the cloud

>Why it's impossible to use PHP even though millions of people are doing great things with it

>Some blog post about scalability... blog crashes after posting link to HN and /r/programming

>Show /hn/: I ripped off an existing product and added Bootstrap to it

>Pay me $50 to teach you decades old vim features in screencast form

>Reasons Why A Basic Income Guarantee Might Just Be A Bad Idea

And this is the best:


so the password is password?

As someone who lives outside of sv, it seems like they're not describing a site but a place. So while visits to HN can do worlds of good to my intellectual curiosity, this post is a nice reminder that I don't actually have to endure this disgusting mindset on a daily basis. Thankfully.

tldr; you people are awesomely sickening.

Oh yeah, and they forgot to add "How I quit my job and traveled the third world on just a 'few dollars a day'"

cheeky bastards got some variants of it, though:

"How I quit my job and went into consulting" "How I quit consulting and went into freelancing" "How I quit consulting and went into your mom's vagina" "How I quit my consulting job for a month and learned to program and am now making 80k a year writing Ruby apps" "How I quit my contractor Ruby dev gig and joined the Node.js behemoth (and why you should too)"


"In Silicon Valley" is on my list of things that deal break a job offer for me. Pretty much the only reason I'd go back there is "actually changing the world" or maybe possibly "my wife has a really good reason".

I found this really funny

>>>Some blog post about scalability... blog crashes after posting link to HN and /r/programming

But who says I can't talk about a rocket while riding a bike:-)

Also I will add these to the list

> why [angular/backbone/ember] [rocks|sucks]

> XYZ in pure CSS.

> How I got [in/out] of YC

I have to admit I enjoy many of these. Just taking cheap shots here:-) But I would really like a few more posts about

1. The thought process a new founder goes through before approaching a VC.

2. How to save your ass while talking to VC's who know the game far better than you do.

3. The mistakes founders have made in past w.r.t to starting, abandoning, funding their startups.

> How Redis+Memcached+Node.js+Go+MongoDB+MariaDB+postgres+Clojure helped my start-up scale (from 10 to 20 hits per day)

They forgot the classic:

> Why we should have an honest discussion about sexism in tech [dead]

I laughed hard at this realization. But you have to think about it. I rather have whatever hackernews is than 4chan.

Im glad both exist TBH. Life cant be all serious :)

At least the density of "go" posts on the front page was spot-on.

> Why Go Is Better Than You And Everything You Own And Why It Always Will Be

My favorite was

>Disrupt Disruption

Whats so sad about it?

HN beats any other news site out there hands down and the comments although having declined in quality slightly it's still better than most out there.

yeah, I really got a kick out of this one...

Show /hn/: I ripped off an existing product and added Bootstrap to it

So true. Health Sherpa comes to mind as one recent example...

I don't know that you can consider healthcare.gov an existing service. I don't know anyone who's actually been able to get service there. It's more in the idea/alpha phase. Health Sherpa ripped off an existing idea and made a improved functioning (bootstrap) version.

Did they have one like this?

>[Service that no one has heard of] is shutting down.

They forgot the billion *.js posts - with seemingly arbitrary nouns selected as names.

Or the ridiculous intentional mispellings in names...somehow skipping all the vowels & resemble some vaguely phonetic spelling. Twitter > twtr etc.

You mean stock ticker symbols?

No the names / urls. See here (and the comments on that article):


It's not sad if it's true. But you / we are still here, aren't you / we?

Ask HN: Why is nobody using the TI99/4a?

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