Tell that to any AdSense publisher who has increased revenue 20-30% by moving ads a few pixels left or right, or by swapping the link color from one shade of blue to another. There are plenty. And Google is the ultimate AdSense publisher :)
It's pretty much universal with AdSense. If you know anyone who makes a significant amount of money, ask them about it. Or just browse the AdSense board on WebmasterWorld.
I have personally increased revenue by over 100% by making small color and positioning changes, and this is also fairly common (I cited 20-30% because I wanted to be super-conservative in my claim).
But here are some examples:
From Google's official blog: Removing a border from an ad doubled revenue to $650/day:
The HotOrNot talk at CodeCon cited improvements of much more than that for a slightly more drastic change: moving the banner image to between the person's face and the rating bar, instead of above the rating bar. Unfortunately I don't remember the amount of the difference.