Also, in the non-perl world, i see a lot of web frameworks that likes to provide an all in one solution. That leads the developers and applications to tie themselves onto those frameworks(which is bad). ie: someone using webframeworkX that provides ormY builds all his site using that stack... and that is not good, because to use the ormY they will need the webframeworkX.
That sucks. because if i need to use cron for that app, i will need to load the webframework because the app is tied onto it... bah.
The best solution is to have ormY separated from the webframeworkX. So you can build your app with ormY, and use any webframeworkX Y or Z (only on the web facing part of your app). And no need to use orm at all (from the framework)
You can download the JSAN Server, and upload modules. And it takes cares of dependencies.
Check it out, and if you like, contribute there and dont reinvent the wheel.
I too belive we need a more modular javascript.
Plus, you can use JOOSE-js to create modular modules. I recommend JOOSE-js. Its great and works in all browsers, also with node (backend) and frontend