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I have fasted for 2 weeks. I think that for a young healthy human one week will rarely cause problems. But after the first week I was permanently cold on the inside (I am a person that never wears long sleeves or jacket even if it is -10 Celsius outside) so I said - enough for now.

Medical supervision - whatever makes you feel best - if you will be calmer with having someone check you daily go for it.

Fasting is something that is individual - I have had involuntarily fast lasting 72-96 hours while playing diablo. But I have friends that cannot get a single afternoon without food - they fainted.

A good test is 18 hour inteminent fast, then cut your teeth with 32 hour one (you eat dinner on Monday before going to bed and next meal is Wednesday breakfast) - if you feel anything than hunger and some psychological discomfort - maybe it is not for you.

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