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Why? I've been doing it since 1992 without the aid of this!

It's incredible and useful because there are some others like me, who would rather reboot to Ubuntu/Fedora/etc just to avoid the hostile developer environment of windows, even for small tasks.

There is a severe lack of good commandline utilities. The ones that exist, require so much effort to set up. Just because it is possible to develop on Windows since 1992 doesn't mean it is a pleasant experience to do so.

That's fine but you can still install stuff and leave it. It's not hard.

For ref, I'm currently fixing something on a Windows NT4 VM in Visual C++ 6 for a client (they are tied to this configuration before you ask). I've had this VM for 11 years. Haven't set anything up since then apart from apply a couple of hotfixes.

I'm also, whilst the above is compiling which takes a while because it's huge, editing our python VCS hook scripts on a Ubuntu machine in vim.

They're both shit and wonderful at the same time (in similar ways).

It's probably closer to a more extensible version of Ninite or even a friendly version of SCCM.

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