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He's very annoying to read.

EDIT: To clarify, his style is incredibly annoying.

Annoying to people who don't like that he's correct

Actually, no. He isn't right.

Any significant programming project involves more than one person. Being arrogant is probably the most serious flaw in a programmer. You will be wrong. You will under or overestimate something important. You do have blind spots. Most important, you are not as smart as you think you are. If you are not careful, your mistakes will ruin your project. They'll delay you or create liabilities you'll have to deal with.

Methodologies exist to help you manage yourself, not for your managers to better manage you (although they can be misused for that).

You don't have to feel "humiliated" by them (neither methodologies nor managers). You don't have to be insecure.

I agree with his thinking, but his presentation is just too in-your-face.

It can be hard to find a balance when communicating something you're passionate about.

Right or not isn't the point. It's painful to read because it's a grown man that writes like a 10 year old that learned a couple of dirty words.

I cringe in embarrassment on his behalf: http://zedshaw.com/#/fuck

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