I implemented the threadpool tuning originally first for the ASP.NET tests (https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/issues/39...) because it improved performance 5-10%. If you've seen data showing that it actually hurts performance, please open an issue or send a pull request (especially for the additional ~60% performance gain). Thanks.
Benchmarks aside, I'm really impressed with the whole One ASP.NET thing. Seeing the whole MVC with web api and SignalR all now coming together now is making me finally feel excited about developing on the MS stack again.
I’d like to see ASP.net MVC natively on Windows, as well as ServiceStack. I think they’d compete. Mono is just not a thing for those of us in the .Net world, frankly.
Slightly sad to see the Mono performance is still abysmal.
Edit: link to the blog. It was submitted earlier, but apparently got killed: