What are the .NET equivalents of The Ruby Toolbox[1] and pluginGeek[2]?
Also, there are more than 11 times as many Ruby projects at GitHub as there are C# projects[3] (even though .NET developers vastly outnumber Ruby developers).
To be fair, those appear to be pages which list existing packages, which is not what I was commenting on in my OP. However, I would suggest one of the closest equivalents would be nuget[1]. I think that the history of the languages should be mentioned: Ruby 1.0 was released in 1996[2], while the beta of .Net was only released in 2000, and 1.0 only in 2002[3]. Thus one could perhaps say (maybe unfairly, but nevertheless) that Ruby has had more time for OSS projects to develop. I"m not saying that that is the reason for the abundance of Ruby projects on Github, but I don't believe that the relative lack of .Net projects on Github implies that the needs of a .Net developer is not met by the current OSS offerings.
And 7 out of those 11 are some sort of 10-line "gems" or whatever they are called. Also GitHub is not the only code sharing web site, just biggest and hypiest. For any of those tools/plugins there is a .NET equivalent, but I don't know a up-to-date page that combines them all as an overview.
Also, there are more than 11 times as many Ruby projects at GitHub as there are C# projects[3] (even though .NET developers vastly outnumber Ruby developers).
[1] https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/
[2] http://www.plugingeek.com/ruby
[3] https://github.com/search?q=stars%3A%3E0