As cool (and pretty) as this is, I'm not sure I see the point to using this over each language's best native http client. As someone else said, Python's requests is fantastic, as is the mikeal/request library in node.
Point being, why would I choose this over a library which is hand-tailored to fit the idioms of the specific language its written for? What advantage does one get by forcing a relatively standard REST API across different languages?
Hey, as the creator of the Node.js unirest library I'd like to say that I love the request library in node. It is indeed fantastic, and constantly updated. That's why I chose it as the underlying framework for the Unirest Node.js library and thought an easier interface for using it would help out. Features like supporting gzip requests, parsing cookies, etc... and the coding style of Java / SuperAgent was the inspiration for it's syntax.
To answer your question aside from the additional features, I think each one is specifically written for the language, built on-top of existing frameworks to bring a easier interface... and what I have personally found developing technologies using this (the site actually uses Unirest Node.js to generate the source, and on our website we use this to show snippets in multiple languages without a drastically different syntax) is the ease of going from one language to the next without having to think too much, and a good pool of documentation in-case you get stuck.
Looks nice - but unfortunately as someone whose day-to-day language is python, I'll give up my requests library [1] when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
I'm the creator of unirest-python. I love requests and I think it's a great library, the Unirest libraries have been created to bring the same, easy, usage experience across different programming languages. They're a good fit for the 80% of simple consumption scenarios. We will improve all the Unirest libraries to make them a good fit for the remaining 20% :)
I don't like the idea of libraries competing with each other, I personally think they all get the niche of users who can decide which one to use accordingly to the problem they try to fix.
Looking at the examples for Node and PHP, those are essentially two different request libs with the same name. That lack of consistency is a problem - at the very least anyone thinking "porting this app to <language> will be easy because Unirest is available" will be in for a nasty surprise. At worst, it shows a lack of planning and a lack of communication within the Unirest team, and that's a very big problem for anyone relying on the code.
Moving forward, I'd recommend working very hard on unifying your featureset and API so it's consistent across all the versions.
Thanks for this. I'm already using Unirest.php to build a client library for my API and Unirest.rb is my obvious choice when I come to build the Ruby client lib.
As aroman said, some languages have nice built-in capabilities but some...just don't (PHP, I'm looking at you!). I love having this unified API which is very intuitive (especially when coming back to PHP after...7 years).
You really need to make an effort to conform with established naming/casing conventions in each language [1]. For example, your example page should read [2] for .Net.
It's meh because it's meh... The package is limited... I can do more by taking a few minutes to write my own curl wrapper than add this to my composer.json file, composer install and then not have what I need... I see in the issues/pull requests someone fixed a basic necessity and it was closed as "fixing this soon" instead of merging it... That right there isn't good.
Yep things like this, lack of class prefix, and using [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"application/json", @"accept", nil] instead of modern literal syntax @{"accept": @"application/json"} are a bit of a red flag for me.
Although I tend to agree, and I understand they might have their Java devs do the OBJ-C library, but I still wanna' give them the benefit of the doubt, in any case, it's easy to fix.
Most of the library seems pretty straight forward. I will have to dig deeper when I get some time over. I'm debated wether or not to use this as work for a project.
I still doubt as much thought has gone into it as a more mature library like AFNetworking ( though. Even then the new NSURLSession APIs in iOS7 pretty much remove the need for a 3rd party networking lib.
Good catch. Yep generally not something you want to do in production and it shouldn't be forced by a library. Aside from some edge scenario where the server will be connecting to arbitrary endpoints taking the time to set CURLOPT_{CAINFO,CAPATH} will allow VERIFYPEER to work properly.
While reviewing this section of the code they should also probably do manual support for FOLLOWLOCATION or check open_basedir, which is usually set--or should be.
Interesting - does the Node version work if packaged for the browser i.e. by Browserify? Of course, there would be caveats, but it would seem like that would be very much in the spirit of this unified API.
The Java library's use of a static method makes it difficult to inject and mock out for tests, requiring a wrapper class to be written by hand to make such things possible.
I love Ruby so much that I shuddered a little when I saw the multi-line, multi-hash method call in the example code that made it look like js. Otherwise thumbs up.
Heh, platform-independence...I guess that's one way to get them to use your HTTP library, as opposed to the thousand other libs out there to do HTTP. ;)
But I like it! In all seriousness this is neat and I like the idea of ubiquitous library syntax, especially for new programmers (which there are a LOT of these days!). The API is reasonably simple and it's nice to have one less thing to look up when experimenting with a new language.
It's on github (, so I expect someone will submit a podspec in the next 24 hours. One of the awesome things about CocoaPods is you can also write a podspec for a repo you don't control. So even if the creators refuse to add CocoaPods support, you can still use CocoaPods to import it to your project.
edit: went ahead and added a pull request for a .podspec. Only a little bit of extra work, since I was writing one to test it out locally anyway.
I recommend documenting that in PHP it's just a curl wrapper, as opposed to a lib that can work with curl, streams, etc... (nothing condescending on '"just" a wrapper'). Also give some insights on requirements (PHP 5.3+ I'd say?)
I actually used unirest.rb as one of the tools to teach my students about HTTP requests. I loved the clear syntax and found the experience a lot more straight-forward than many of the other HTTP libraries I came across. Thanks for putting this together!
The problem with Unity3D is that you're forced into using their WWW class unless you pay for a professional license (on each of the platforms from which you intend to make requests). And it's crap. So any libraries for Unity3D would be no better than what WWW allows, which really isn't much. For pro license holders, there is already a couple such as UnityWeb [1]
It is dire. I am not a unity dev but I work with the other side of helping them with server side stuff and unity provides pretty much no help with this. It's roll your own http parsing and cookie handling library land.
Shouldn't this mostly be handled by Mono? I was similarly surprised by the amount of work it took to get some requests going in a Unity/C# project about 2 years ago.
As I say, I am not a unity dev, but just guessing from what little I know about it, I would say that mono is merely a language runtime that still depends on the underlying platform for things such as networking. Unity, which allows C# and Javascript, needs to have the same API for both languages, which is ultimately implemented via npapi, activeX or pnaci, or you know, the other platforms it runs on. So far as I know, mono doesn't have networking libraries for all those different apis.
If you have any ideas (I have little experience in building libs like this, but will definitely learn): currently I need a streaming JSON decoder (which handles base64-encoded blobs as some values, so values need to be stream-decoded too, possibly with another custom step). So far this lib (and nearly every other) seems to assume a pre-defined set of classes, and/or that you want the full response before acting on it (no streaming access).
Before you ask, I don't control the response, so I can't do something more sane :) And it's on Android, so memory can be quite restrictive, and GC hurts a lot with so much allocation.
I don't see an easy way to plug those requirements into this library. Superficially it seems I can modify/add something inherited from BaseRequest and add my own HttpClientHelper.requestAsync-style method to do this, but it's yet another library that doesn't quite allow this kind of thing natively.
But by the time I've understood and made those changes, I might as well just do it all by hand in that particular request. This is especially true since my code has to be read and understood by others I work with, and it makes updating the Unirest library a much more error-prone event that might leave people in the lurch since they didn't write the extension. There's no real happy solution.
Not that I really think it should easily handle my case - it looks really nice to use, and it's probably not worth it to you / most people, and my case is weird and might ruin everything to properly support. But it's a minor thing that annoys me a bit and makes me want to make my own (minor annoyances are a major motivator for my personal projects). Before I can make anything decent though I need to see a few more ways to do things, try a few crazy architectures, etc. This has helped remind me what it can look like at least, and the code looks surprisingly clean underneath. Definitely a worthwhile read :)
Point being, why would I choose this over a library which is hand-tailored to fit the idioms of the specific language its written for? What advantage does one get by forcing a relatively standard REST API across different languages?