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If you crunch the numbers, for more than two seconds, this is what the (de-fragmented) data show:

STEM = 46%

Politics& Beuracracy = 37%

Arts = 14%

This seems intuitively correct, but YMMV.

Communication/journalism (CIP 9) 2.5 Psychology (CIP 42) 4.1 Public administration and social services(CIP 44) 1.5 Social sciences (CIP 45) 20.6 Area and ethnic studies (CIP 5) 2.5 Politics & Bueracracy 31.2

Biological / Life Sciences (CIP 26) 7.1 Computer and information sciences (CIP 11) 5 Engineering (CIP 14) 15.1 Engineering technologies (CIP 15) 3.7 Mathematics and statistics(CIP 27) 3.3 Physical sciences (CIP 40) 4.7 STEM 38.9

Visual and performing arts (CIP 50) 2.6 History (CIP 54) 3.2 Liberal arts/general studies (CIP 24) 0.1 English (CIP 23) 3.6 Foreign languages and literatures (CIP 16) 3 Philosophy, religion, theology (CIP 38) 1.7 Arts 14.2

+Pro-rata on interdisciplinary (16%)

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