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If you just want to save time but the Soylent thing creeps you out, try this: stop eating as often. I've been eating in a 5-hour window every day (5pm-10pm) and basically save 2 hours a day: I have no need for breakfast and have replaced lunch hour with a HIIT workout. More and more people seem to be doing this as well [1], so it might be a bit more trustworthy than some dude's magic all-in-one concoction.





> If you just want to save time but the Soylent thing creeps you out, try this: stop eating as often.

Apparently real american cowboys do just this. During the busy season, some ranch-hands end up eating just one huge meal a day.

Be very careful with this approach, due to blood sugar levels.

I can't go more than 90 minutes between small snacks without suffering shakes, and I'm not diabetic. Even a small orange or pear will bide me over.

I know some airlines that ban flightcrew from intermittent fasting when on flying-days for that reason.

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