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... Because they are one of the three major credit-scoring agencies that maintain records on every person with a credit history?

Well, sure, that's a description of what they do, but it doesn't explain why they should have access to this information. In a marketplace, perhaps there doesn't really need to be a "why". But the same "why" should apply to Experian as it would to an ID Theft-Prevention service (the hypothetical thing that we were discussing in this comment thread, and the reason I asked this question in the first place).

That is, Experian's longevity and importance makes them more reputable. Their function as a business, certainly, is to collect, analyze, and repackage this data. But these things should not give them a free pass on the "why" question that greenyoda posed, if the question is going to be asked at all.

They said "should" not "would."

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