Personal plug, because the article mentions snakebite; hadoofus[1] is a C library that natively speaks to HDFS (v1), with a Python wrapper. No Java involved.
Pros (vs Snakebite):
* C, not Python. More portable to non-Python languages; probably faster
* Speaks v1 of the protocol (AFAIK, nothing else does this except via JNI to hadoop's Java client)
* Kerberos authentication supported (but not datanode tokens or the digest auth they employ)
* Sort of abandonware. I don't personally use HDFS anymore, so it has stagnated.
* As an extension of the above, doesn't support the v2 (Protobuf-based) protocol
* C, not Python. All the usual potential issues with C that Python shields you from.
Pros (vs Snakebite):
* C, not Python. More portable to non-Python languages; probably faster
* Speaks v1 of the protocol (AFAIK, nothing else does this except via JNI to hadoop's Java client)
* Kerberos authentication supported (but not datanode tokens or the digest auth they employ)
* Sort of abandonware. I don't personally use HDFS anymore, so it has stagnated.
* As an extension of the above, doesn't support the v2 (Protobuf-based) protocol
* C, not Python. All the usual potential issues with C that Python shields you from.