Here is another one I just did tonight - I wanted to match IPv4 addresses, but didn't want to validate anything with a leading 0 (specifies octal format, which 99.9999% of the time is not what people want), but I do want to accept a leading 0 if it's the only value (I.E.,, etc...)
It should reject that (i.e. return False) because the first octet contains a leading zero. But you're just stripping the zero away, ignoring its existence. For no effect, because converting with int() already ignores them for you.
Your code is also ok with bizarre inputs like "0..." :-)
Regexes really do have their strengths -- they compactly express a state machine, and you can always break the expression into parts which'll show exactly what the state machine will accept. They could also be much more readable if people bothered to break them into parts instead of typing it out all inside a long string that becomes really difficult to parse visually. There are other notations to improve readability, for example rx in emacs:
A seemingly simple regex can be implemented in imperative code and it might look clean and pretty until you get the logic exactly right and amend it to handle all the corner cases that are not obvious at first sight. For comparison I did the exercise in old-fashioned C (and the indentation got messed up along the way, sigh).
I like automata and I think regexes are good for some things, but I definitely agree about the crappy syntax. When working in CL, I loved Edi Weitz' CLPPCRE package which allowed you to specify regexes using either the traditional broken string form or an s-exp syntax. Much cleaner.
Taking your question generally, I was curious to see what it might look like as a parser, since I find that regex a little hard to read. Here's an implementation with Haskell's parsec:
Gets the job done.
How else would you do it?
You can then build up a library of these, and use them on other projects.