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> Most other PHP frameworks just copy Rails, so why not just use the source.

I can't speak for anyone else but for myself regarding this but here we go. I have 12 years experience with PHP, it's my primary language, I know it's got pros and cons, I accept it for what it is and work around it. I know Python is better in terms of standards in languages. I know PHP started out as just a few tools and morphed into a language. But here's what's keeping me from switching to Python or Ruby, or heck even Node.js.. Experience...

Yes I can learn a new language basics pretty easily, but am I gonna be able to write a complete app in say RoR with very few google searches or even looking at the manual as fast as I can in PHP? No... I have been playing around with node.js for 2 years now, long enough to know it pretty well, and yet I can still code circles around node.js with PHP.. 12 years using this language as a primary, it'd take me at LEAST 4 years to even get close to the scale of how well I can code in PHP.

It's just not feasible for me to just up and leave PHP for something "better" based on a few cons and other peoples opinions.

I think PHP is good for some stuff definitely, and if you know it then by all means use it.

> Yes I can learn a new language basics pretty easily, but am I gonna be able to write a complete app in say RoR with very few google searches or even looking at the manual as fast as I can in PHP

That's debatable. I saw someone finish and sell a property management web app in Rails, without knowing Ruby and next to no knowledge of Rails. I wouldn't recommend it. Rails just gives you a lot of things for free. This is getting to much into a framework vs language thing, which I don't like.

I was just making a case for Ruby as opposed to PHP, especially if your job involves more then just web stuff.

As far as PHP frameworks copying Rails, I'm pretty sure that's just accepted as fact. If you don't use frameworks then that's cool.

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