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>It's driven by the fact that the author has some theories about UI design, and wants to share them with us.

This was exactly my reaction. The author points out things which are "confusing" within the context of some logical UI design theory. But nothing in the article is practically confusing. From the article:

The Plus could mean “Add Something”, but why does it have no outline? And why is it red? Does it perform a negative action? Confusing.

This feels like forced criticism. Immediately, they guess the correct function of the UI element (to add new alarms). Why should the plus sign have an outline? Why is it confusing that the plus sign is red, when the app has red as a primary component of the color scheme?

The author's points are interesting from a certain perspective, but it just doesn't matter in practice. I mean, is the biggest critique of iOS7 that a rectangle is clickable in one place and not in another?

The big highlighted rectangle that you can't click on isn't confusing in practice? I'd be confused.

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