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Web browsers let you hover over a link to query if it's clickable before clicking it.

Also in this case the problem is if a site has some text that's blue & clickable, and some text that's blue & not clickable. That's more or less what iOS 7 is doing. Colored text doesn't mean it performs an action. It might, it might not. Similarly, black text might be clickable, it might not. It might have a border, it might not. And these are all mixed together in the same app, or even a single screen such as the case of the alarm that the article is talking about.

Mousing over ever piece of text in a document to see if it's clickable isn't a great user experience. If you've ever tried using a site whose link style is 'non-underlined, blackish blue', you'll understand the problem, particularly if you suffer from colour blindness. The Guardian is a prime example of poor-usability when it comes to text links.

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