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I see no problem here. If algorithms count massively, then those slow skillful algorithm coders can start their own companies, and because algorithms count massively surely soon the market will be full of companies that require algorithmic skills and don't value speedy hacks.

But just surprisingly, the market looks like it is full of those crappy startups, which value speed over quality, and don't do rewrites. Wonder why that is so.

It could be that we see many startups in "the market" because like flies they spawn and die quickly, but have few to nil influence on the world, while real big new things are few and last longer, and influence the world, and require higher skill levels. Think about it, between Instagram and Bitcoin, which will be influencing our world and our life more?

Actually algorithms are kind of important.

How do you think it is that google is able to return your search results in a fraction of a second? And how is a game able to represent and efficiently display a massive 3D world?

I didn't claim that algorithms are not important. If you look at the market, there is a lot of demand for certain types of employees, while there is less demand for others. I think that the market represents pretty well what people actually demand.

The comment I replied to implies that demand is specified by the companies, not by customers. I guess you get that kind of attitude in university jobs, where money comes from goverment grants etc, not from customers.

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