Similarly I note that he emphasises how other people are going to like the new colours, but says little about what he thinks of them himself: "bright and friendly" is about the most of it. Does he actually not like them very much? Likewise, there's nothing much about the new iOS 7 aesthetic. Maybe that's because the OS is meant to be a topic for other posts, but you'd expect a holistic, design-centred review of the 5C to at least note that iOS 7 (especially the home screen icons, but not only them) and the 5C have been designed to match each other visually. (In a way that the iOS 7 and the 5S don't, significantly.) Gruber was one of the people who was holding out the hope of significant changes to the appearance of the beta iOS 7; now that (afaics) it's largely unchanged, is he biting his tongue?