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For anyone who enjoyed this and might like to look at similarly themed pieces (impact of social media / internet communication on relationships) - the following might be of interest:

* Catfish [movie, USA] - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1584016/

* Black Mirror [series, UK] - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2085059/

Both a little on the bleak/dark side, forewarning!

The first video I remember in this style was "The Website Is Down".


Great stuff. Came to post that one.

FYI, MTV has spun off a weekly reality show based on Catfish. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it may be their highest rated show currently airing. It is now about midway into a second season.

I like Catfish. There are lots of sketchy/unrealistic things about it, but I think it's fantastic that they've finally made a show covering something that's been happening since the dawn of the internet. Also Nev and Max are massively charismatic and likeable.

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