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Transfer a secret audio message by poking someone with your finger (wired.co.uk)
47 points by 001sky on Sept 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

This is actually an old idea, perhaps a hundred years old. It was patented in 1972 (3,647,970 Flanagan) and called the "neurophone", but I recall an article about something like it from the 1920s.

Gizmodo beat me to it, with photographs and construction details, even. Nice job!


The video seems to be a completely different and much cooler thing that messages by poking.

It would be pretty cool if they'd license the tech to cellphone OEMs so touchscreens would be easier to use.

link for the lazy

TeslaTouch Technology


For me it points to: Life of Pi - "Flying Fish" Clip

Oops, paste error. Should be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l3MDNZk-3I

TeslaTouch would be insanely fun if applie to actual consumer products. I've seen similar technologies on Sony devices using ultrasound.

I'm not sure I want other people stick their finger in my ear, even if they aren't doing it to electrocute me.

This adds a whole new dimension to a wet willy.


Care to explain your pedantry? Especially is connoting a favored preference, whereas even is denoting an absolute preference.

I don't believe this is pedantry. It appears to be a joke since the replacement changes the meaning of the sentence, implying that being electrocuted is a more preferable reason for someone to touch your ear than sending a message.


I noticed that my MacBook does this as well. If I touch the case then touch my ear while it's charging I hear a buzzing sound and feel my fingers tingling where they touch the laptop. I always wondered how the buzzing was transmitted.

Now people won't have to text to talk to someone a few feet away.

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