Because SEO is so important, you should be really careful about the sort of assertion you're making - most people will read your post and assume that the googles can read html generated by js template rendering. AFAIK, this is false, and this is a huge problem for single page js apps - they're often SEO crippled.
Most people running js webapps are not following google's ajax webcrawling directives or paying seo4ajax to solve the problem for them. It's irresponsible to say that there's no SEO problem with client side rendering.
But there's a right way to do it already, and the definition of a solved problem is one people are making money off, so steering people away from js webapps because of SEO is just bad
There are no large caveats here, either follow a tutorial off Google Dev Guides or pay someone like $5 bucks a month to do it.
Gawker did this a while back. And reverted after their Google rankings took a hefty plunge. That is one very large caveat, that Ajax crawler spec is no magic bullet.
Most people running js webapps are not following google's ajax webcrawling directives or paying seo4ajax to solve the problem for them. It's irresponsible to say that there's no SEO problem with client side rendering.