My company is listed as having many H1B's. As a previous holder of a TN visa (NAFTA, yay) we were highly encouraged to get an H1B. Why? because the US border patrol would harass TN holders, and try to trick us into saying the wrong thing so they could take away our work Visas.
Going home to visit family and friends became a real risk that we might lose our jobs. We were told "Do not cross at this crossing on these days of the week" because we'd had so many incidents of one guy who would just arbitrarily take away TN visas.
Most of my friends including myself who are Canadian or Mexican and working in the U.S. got TN visas and never have a problem at the border. Personally I prefer the TN because its been a ridiculously easy visa to acquire in terms of money and time.
Going home to visit family and friends became a real risk that we might lose our jobs. We were told "Do not cross at this crossing on these days of the week" because we'd had so many incidents of one guy who would just arbitrarily take away TN visas.
An H1B meant safety.