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Hacker News London meetup, Wednesday 25th September (meetup.com)
102 points by dmitri1981 on Sept 10, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

Nice to see that you have Mandy speaking. She is also speaking, as yet unannounced talk, at http://allyourbaseconf.com this year.

Videos of talks from previous events are online at http://vimeo.com/hnlondon

I can't go to this event but the previous ones that I've been to have been great. Recommended.

Weird. I Wonder why HN London makes front page, but when SFHN gets front page we get banned?

Not sure why you get banned. I always post HNLondon meetup announcements while it is morning in UK and SF is asleep. At that time there is less competition for the front page and it's possible to get there with just a few upvotes. Once SF starts to wake up we inevitably get swept away.

HN London almost always gets front paged. Maybe the account that submits the SFHN meetup is blacklisted for some reason? Probably a question for the admins.

HNLondon has 5000+ members while it looks like you're an order of magnitude smaller, hence the HNLondon post is likely to be upvoted by a much wider range of people and thus less likely to be hit by the vote-rigging detector.

Although looking at your past submissions they don't appear to have been blacklisted.

Probably triggering voting ring detectors. If you email info@ycombinator.com I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you what's up.

Meetups like these generally have an overlapping crowd from other tech community meetups like RoR, PHP, WordPress.

And Hackers^H^H^H^H^H^H^H computer security experts, as well.

At least, the one time I went (I'm not from UK) I met a couple of guys who run pen-test businesses. Apparently they were completely unaware of YC and got the other meaning of word Hacker.

I'm coming. See you there guys/girls :P

It would be cool to have on up North too!

Hey! I've been to a few of the HNLondon meet ups and going to miss them a lot when I'm back in Newcastle this year.

If you want to chat at all about potentially setting something up in the North this year I'd be happy to help out. Not sure if I can dedicate myself full time to it though due to final year university demands hence why I'm not putting myself forward by myself to look into it.

It does not take too much work to get it started.

1) Pick a decent venue that has space and it not too noisy

2) Announce it on HN

3) Invite interesting people to come along.

We started the London meetup this way and even completely screwed up step one. You can see the original announcement at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1434964

Drop me an email on d.grabov@gmail.com if you want any advise / help with getting one organised. It's totally worth it

Good. See you there !

See you there!

Nearest Underground not listed on meetup page... It's London Bridge by the seems of it.


It's literally just outside Old St tube station, exit 4

It's Old Street (northern line and national rail).

Map: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Cowper+Street,+London

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