This is the first one-liner I've read that actually explains something useful I can do with higher-order type inference. Preventing errors at compile time doesn't count; doing something is run-time by definition.
As an easy to follow (though questionably idiomatic) example, consider the typeclass Default:
class Default a where
def :: a
and an unwise pair of instances:
instance Default Int where
def = 7
instance Default String where
def = "foo"
This means I can say:
3 + def + length ("c" ++ def)
and get back 14. Note that which "def" depends on the type expected where it is used.
It's not limited to values, either. Consider the "return" function in the Monad typeclass:
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
which is a function that takes something and returns that something wrapped in a monad. Which monad? Whatever is expected at the call site.
[1, 2, 3] ++ return 4
gives us [1, 2, 3, 4] because list is a monad and return for lists gives a single element list, whereas
putStrLn "foo" >> return 4
gives us an IO action that, when executed, prints "foo" and yeilds a 4.
A super complex example is variadic functions like printf, with the type
printf :: PrintfType r => String -> r
PrintfType can be a String or IO (), giving you something like C's sprintf or printf based on the call site (which is itself cool), but it can also be a function that takes an instance of PrintfArg and gives back some new PrintfType (in an interesting intersection with currying).