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I was never a big user of IM or any real time communications (not even phone) so I don't think I would use it much for that.

But I do like that they experiment with new forms of collaborative document editing. This has always been a big pain. I have thought about it quite a lot myself.

The really difficult thing about collaborative document editing is versioning. The more I think about it the more open questions accumulate.

I have my doubts that a tool that wants to be so many things at the same time can be a good enough collaborative document editing tool. For instance, how do I separate the content that is edited from the communcation _about_ that content? Maybe that becomes obvious when we can actually try it.

> For instance, how do I separate the content that is edited from the communcation _about_ that content?

In Wave there is a distinction between editing text and attaching a reply or comment to the text.

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