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You are now engaging in a particularly uncreative and disingenuous form of goalpost moving. Just because it's blowback doesn't mean it's for American policies. It's local blowback for local policies. You can continue to fake at naive, but seriously - you are smart enough to follow hacker news, you are smart enough to understand context. (Hint, it's basically the same as variable scoping).

What is the point you are so uninterestingly trying to make? Are you just super sad and annoyed that someone dare suggest that the US didn't do something good? Or are you just a sockpuppet loser who needs to continue the "terrorism is evil and we are stopping it!" propaganda?

It's not goalpost moving.

> It's local blowback for local policies.

Right. So a girl wants self determination and education and local policies allow her to do that and she gets shot in the head for that.

The point is that there are real people in the world that have very regressive views and are willing to murder school girls to promote their ideology.

These are dangerous people. As much as you would like to bury your head in the sand and pretend that it's all a government conspiracy, these people do exist and they are smart and ambitious.

> a sockpuppet loser who needs to continue the "terrorism is evil and we are stopping it!" propaganda

Oh I disagree with you so I must be a shill. What a liberal and open minded person you are.

Please fucking go back to reddit. Actually, on second thought, please invite all your friends here so this place burns down faster.

You're some person who has been here for all of 13 hours and you're complaining about quality degradation of the site? Sure you aren't a sockpupptet.

You just act like one and have a hard time with explanations that answer your questions rationally. Oh and you are goalpost moving because each rational explanation is met with a change of topic as if it invalidates the explanation - the definition of goalpost moving basically.

Come back when you're old enough to do simple logic and basic reading comprehension.

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