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Argh! noticed that all my links and bookmarklets 404! so that is what it was.

I had a bookmarklet that would generate an email, insert it into the current form and then open a window to mailinator so I can retrieve the confirmation email.

I also had other bookmarkets and links that I used for other things (I am much better at writing software for my own tasks than I am at publishing it)

If you used it in the same way I did, the old URL:

   /maildir.jsp?email={{ email }}
is now

    /inbox.jsp?to={{ email }}
there is no excuse to break URL's, you never know how people are using your product. Not everybody goes to the homepage, fills out a form and presses submit. The entire web can be used as an informal API.

Edit: I can confirm what Amadou says in reply, you can't directly access the mail page anymore. Even after updating URL's it still won't load, it is relying on a token. The way I used the app is now useless.

I don't think the answer to controlling abuse is killing your app for a lot of users

I think this would be considered 'by design'.


but I am human!

edit: but thanks for that post, I had missed it. It dramatically changes what Mailinator does and what it means. It is a complete shift in its mission. The in-memory and no logs email service is what originally attracted most users. Dealing with abuse is just part of what happens when you have such a service, ditto with running a Tor exit node.

> A site redesign is in the works (I love it, you'll hate it

Yes! Yet another uninspiring Bootstrap-ed site.

Yes! Yet another person complaining about Bootstrap being uninspired.

With sites like Mailinator, I'm looking to get a task done and doing it quickly. If it lets me achieve my goal efficiently, I don't care if the aesthetics weren't designed from scratch with 100% hand written CSS or if someone is using stock glyphicons instead of hand drawn artwork by Mr.Ultra-Famous Designer.

> Yet another person complaining about Bootstrap being uninspired.

Quite the contrary. Not Bootstrap is "uninspired" but its users. The old Mailinator had a characteristic, easily identifiable look and feel. Sites like the new Mailinator are a dime a dozen. A typical case of "disimprovement".

It isn't just a new URL, there is some javascript and cross-site scripting or something. The old mailinator was dead simple - no javascript, no cross-site includes, it just worked with all my security add-on settings like NoScript and RequestPolicy on maximum. Now it doesn't. The inbox just appears to be empty it says "Inbox for:" without a username even though the inbox.jsp?to=foo parameter is set in the URL.

This is a real kick in the gut for me, I've been a happy user for longer than I can remember and now I can't be a user.

When I read the blog entry about an update a month or two ago I figured the guy was smart enough not to fall into this trap of form over function. I've been reading his blog for years and he always struck me as imminently practical. But it looks like my faith was misplaced, he's gone and web2.0ified it when it really did not need it. I think this is the beginning of the end for mailinator.

That's weird. I had bookmarked a Mailinator inbox, and apart from doing the change from nikcub's comment, it's working perfectly. It says 'Inbox for: <whatever>' and it seems to work. Maybe it was a temporary bug? Remember Hanlon's razor :)

Edit: oh wow, I totally take that back. I have been banned for abuse for a whole day! I didn't do anything special but access that inbox from my bookmark a couple of times. Here is everything I can see on Mailinator now:


Rate Limiter Engaged ! Hi Friendly User!

Unfortunately, your request cannot be processed. Mailinator is committed to providing a valuable service to its users and at the same time, limit abuse of the system.

An automated rate-detection system triggered based on your usage. Please note - programmatic access to Mailinator is prohibited by our Terms of Service (for users that require high-speed programmatic access, please check-out Mailinator Pro which provides proper APIs for such access).

This is a temporary ban and should clear by tomorrow. Continued access attempts today could result in a more permanent ban (please don't do that).


The most convenient old way of quickly accessing an inbox was inbox_nickname.mailinator.com -- this still works today.

Relevant XKCD: http://xkcd.com/1172/

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